• NWBB feature in the Daily Mirror

    NWBB feature in the Daily Mirror

    Following the appearance on the National Lottery Awards Show, the Daily Mirror ran a story about life as a blood biker with North West Blood Bikes - Lancs & Lakes.

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  • North West Blood Bikes appear on The National Lottery Awards show

    On 9th September 2016, representatives from North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes travelled down to London to record an appearance on BBC1s National Lottery Awards show.

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    Today TV star Rav Wilding presented volunteers from the North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes with a much-deserved National Lottery Award trophy.

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  • 25,000 Completed runs

    At 23:03 on Tuesday 26th July, West rider Andy Livesey, with controller Sharon Johnson, completed the 25,000th run for North West Blood Bikes - Lancs & Lakes.

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  • Queens Award for Voluntary Services presentation

    Queens Award for Voluntary Services presentation

    Members from North West Blood Bikes - Lancs & Lakes attended County Hall in Preston on 4th July 2016 to receive their Queens Award for Voluntary Services from Lord Shuttleworth KG KCVO Lord Lieutenant of Lancashire.

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  • Marcel Falloon R.I.P.

    VERY SAD NEWS INDEED (North West Blood Bikes, Lancs & Lakes) This is a message which I never dreamt I would be writing, but I have to tell you that on Friday morning 24th June, one of our most prolific Blood Bike rider’s, friend and genuine GOOD GUY, passed away, suddenly. MARCELL FALLOON (57) Alison, his wife, phoned me to tell me the sad news and I have to say I was shocked to the core, and it took time to sink in. Marcel was such a genuine extremely good hearted man and would do anything for anyone. I have passed on our sincere condolences to Alison and family and I will keep everyone informed of what is happening. R.I.P. Marcel, you will be sorely missed. You can stand down now mate, Duty Done.

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  • 24,000 runs and counting

    At 20:42 on Thursday 23rd June 2016, controller Sue Wolstenholme dispatched Central rider Niall Miller to Preston with the request to take some samples to Speke. This was the charities 24,000th run in a little over 4 years.

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  • National Lottery Awards 2016

    National Lottery Awards 2016

    North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes is appealing for local votes as it strives for nationwide acclaim on BBC One in this year’s National Lottery Awards.

    The project beat off stiff competition from over 600 organisations to reach the public voting stage in this year’s National Lottery Awards – the annual search for the UK’s favourite Lottery-funded projects.

    North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes is competing against six other projects to be crowned the winner of the Health category. Winners of the seven National Lottery Awards categories will each get a £3,000 cash prize to spend on their project, an iconic National Lottery Awards trophy and attend a star-studded glittering Awards ceremony in London, broadcast on BBC One in September hosted by TV star and actor John Barrowman.

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  • Volunteers' Week In Numbers

    Volunteers' Week In Numbers

    As many of you will know Volunteers’ Week took place between the 1st and 12th June. Here is a breakdown of what our volunteers have done during the 12 days.

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  • Queens Award for Voluntary Service

    Queens Award for Voluntary Service

    Thursday 2nd June 2016, just over 4 years since NWBB Lancs & Lakes began operating, Her Majesty the Queen has bestowed her highest award for a voluntary group on us. This is the finest Thank You to all our volunteers we could ever dream of and it is down to the dedication of every single volunteer, be they Rider, Controller, Fundraisers, or ordinary Member and our Loyal supporters, which includes all our contacts at each of our Hospitals, especially Maria Burn and Alan Noyon at Royal Preston Hospital, who actually put us in for the award.

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