• Malachi Mitchell-Thomas R.I.P.

    Yesterday, 24th May 2016, was a sad day, especially for Malachi’s family as it was his funeral and Last Ride. Malachi crashed and was killed whilst taking part in the North West 200 in Northern Ireland earlier this month.

    Due to the expected number of mourners, either on bikes or cars or both, North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes was asked if we could help with marshalling.

    Graham Miller, our Secretary, took this on board and liaised with both the Funeral Directors and Lancashire Constabulary and together we escorted and marshalled the final ride, with both Police bikes, our liveried bikes and with static marshall’s at certain junctions between Rivington Barn and the Crematorium at Chorley.

    It was expected that there would be some 400 bikes and several cars, but the final number was not established, but there were far more than 400 stretching out for the best part of 1 mile. The route was also lined by pedestrians.

    It has to be said that Graham Miller did a fantastic job in organising it and has accepted thanks for NWBB L&L from both the Funeral Home and Lancashire Constabulary. WELL DONE GRAHAM & ALL WHO HELPED.

    R.I.P. MALACHI, I hope we did you proud. Our sincere Condolences to the family and friends.

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  • 23,000 and a relay to Birmingham

    Sunday 22nd May was quite a day. It started off with a scheduled Blue Light Course for seven more riders and whilst that was on we heard that we had just completed 23,000 call-outs. Controller Phil Russell and Rider Dave Bennett. Then at 17:42 nearing the end of her day shift, our oldest and dearest Controller Brenda Taylor received a call from Royal Preston Hospital asking if we could get an urgent sample to Birmingham City Hospital for analysis. After a few calls Brenda managed to get Bryan Evans to collect it and then arranged with Shropshire & Staffordshire Blood Bikes to meet up with Bryan at Keele Services on the M6 and they delivered it to Birmingham. Quite a day and thanks to SSBB for their help.

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  • AGM

    On Sunday 8th May 2016, exactly 4 years since NWBB Lancs & Lakes began, we held our 4th Annual General Meeting. This time at the Barton Grange Hotel, just north of Preston. The main items on the Agenda related to the state of the charity after 4 years of operating and the election of the Committee. Every single member was thanked for their dedication and it was said that in our first year May 2012 to May 2013 we responded to 812 calls and now 4 years later we have responded to more than 22,000, an amazing figure by any means and all down to the dedication of the members. Due to two Committee members leaving to set up a commercial business, most of 2015/16 had been run with only 5 Committee members instead of the ideal 7, and this was rectified at the AGM. Committee members for 2016/17 are as follows: Chair: Paul G Brooks JP (Trustee & Founder), Vice Chair: Lee Townsend, Treasurer: Haydn Williams (Trustee), Fleet: Andy Gilroy (Trustee), Secretary: Graham Miller, Control/Comms: Neil McCall, Manager Liaison: Kevin Sansom. Scott Miller (Trustee & Founder), previously the Vice Chair, handed over to Lee Townsend and was thanked for carrying the role over the past 10 months.

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  • John McGuinness

    Thursday 5th May 2016, Paul Brooks (Chairman, NWBB L&L) met up with John McGuinness and artist Peter Foster to be presented with a painting done by Peter of John racing past Crag Nee Bar on the TT circuit on the Isle of Man. John kindly signed the painting there and then and Peter has given us the painting, which we will be having a limited edition of numbered prints done for sale or auction throughout the motorcycle world.

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  • 22,000

    13th January 2016 we passed 19,000 successful cal-outs. Then 20th March 2016 we passed 21,,000 and last night 21st April 2016 we smashed through 22,000, with Sam Crompton (Controller) and Ed Beaman the (Rider).

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  • Preston to Bristol

    17:00hrs on Thursday 14th April 2016 our Chairman received a call from the Analytics Manager at Royal Preston Hospital Path Lab asking if we could take a sample for analysis to the National Blood Service Laboratory at Bristol. The sample, from a very poorly patient, was due to be ready around 19:00hrs. The night Controller, Edgar Baines was contacted and Peter Wright the (K)night Rider from Central was the first rider in the relay.

    Shropshire & Staffordshire Blood bikes (Louisa & Kirk) were contacted, as were Severn Freewheelers (Nathan) and Freewheelers (EVS) Bristol (Mark) and of course all were eager to help.

    Sample collected at 19:08, handed over to SSBB at Keele Services, handed to SFBB at Frankley Services and finally handed to Freewheelers Bristol at The Gales. The sample was safely delivered at 23:55hrs.

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  • Dumfries to Coventry

    17:00hrs on Wednesday 13th April 2016 we were asked by Dumfries and Galloway Blood Bikes to help with another relay run down to Coventry. Neil McCall, (Controller Manager) arranged it with our riders, Brian Lord in the (North) and Nigel Pickin (West) carried the package in our area between 20:47 and 22:16. Package delivered safely.

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  • 21,000

    Another Milestone, 21,000 successful call-outs today Sunday 20th March 2016 (in 47 months), Controller Jodie Kershaw & Rider Geoff Sampson. Thanks to the shear dedication of all our Members, whatever their task, we have built a tremendous Blood Bike Group, which is probably the best and biggest Blood Bike group in the world. Well done everyone.

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  • Another Relay Run

    Another relay run, this time from Dumfries & Galloway Blood Bikes down to Coventry. The sample was collected by DGBBs at 09:00 and passed on to Blood Bikes Cumbria, then collected by our rider Frank Fitzgerald at Forton Services on the M6 at Lancaster, and he took it to Keele services on the M6 in Staffordshire and passed it on to Shropshire and Staffordshire Blood Bikes who took it directly to Coventry Hospital. Our Controller was Brenda Taylor. Both Brenda and Frank are our oldest members, which just goes to prove age doesn’t matter :-)

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  • 29 Days of February

    Last month our Controllers and Riders dealt with our busiest month to-date considering there were only 29 days in February 2016 (Leap Year) by successfully completing 839 call-outs, which included a relay run or two.

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