• Cross Country Relay

    CROSS COUNTRY RELAY (White Knights, Manchester BB & NWBB Lancs & Lakes) Tuesday 23rd February at 21:25 we received a telephone call from Paul Redfern, Chairman of Manchester Blood Bikes asking if we could assist White Knights and MBB do a relay from Sheffield to Blackpool with very urgent meds. Our Controller, Sue Wolstenholme and Rider Pete Haworth were contacted and it was set up. Pete collected from MBB at Bolton West Services on the M61 at 23:15 and delivered at 23:51. Well done all.

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  • Yet Another Relay Run

    Wednesday 18th February, we received a call from Southport Hospital Path Lab asking if we could take a sample to the Biochemistry lab at University Hospital Cardiff. The sample was a foetal sample from a child who was losing weight at an excessive rate and they didn’t know why. NWBB Lancs & Lakes were asked if we could do it and the relay was set up with SSBB, Midland Freewheelers and Blood Bikes Wales. The relay went brilliantly, only held up by horrendous traffic on the motorways. We collected at 15:05 and timings were as follows: Handover to SSBB at Keele @ 17:33 , handover to MFW at Frankly @ 18:40, handover to BB Wales Ross-on-Wye @ 19:30 , Delivery to Cardiff @ 20:25. Fantastic job YET AGAIN by all concerned and a huge thank you to, SSBB, Midland Freewheelers and BB Wales, proving again what a fantastic organisation.

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  • Relay Run

    NWBB Lancs & Lakes help out with major Relay run:

    Blood Bike Relay run on 3rd February, with an urgent sample for analysis. Contact from Dumfries Royal Infirmary to ask for the run at 10.15am Picked up from Dumfries by Dumfries and Galloway Blood Bikes at 11.00 am and taken to Gretna Handed over to Blood Bikes Cumbria at 11.34am who took the package to Forton services M6. Handed over to Northwest Blood Bikes at 13.09pm and taken by them to Keele services. Handed over to Staffordshire Blood Bikes at 14.39 and then taken by them to Frankly services on M5 Jct3. Handed over to Severn Freewheelers at 15.35pm and taken by them to Swindon services. Handed over to Wessex Blood Bikes at 17.00pm and taken by them to the destination at Porton Down Special Pathogens reference unit. Package delivered at Porton Down at 18.15pm. What an incredible effort by all groups to work so well together and achieve an excellent result for the performance of the Nationwide Association of Blood Bikes.

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  • 19,000 Call Outs

    On Sunday 10th January 2016, almost exactly 45 months since we began operating, Brenda taylor (Controller) and Mark Gibson (Rider) took us through the 19,000 call-out figure.

    A fantastic figure and down to the dedication of all 250 members of NWBB Lancs & Lakes and members of the public who have, and continue to support us.

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  • 2015


    To all at NWBB Lancs & Lakes. It’s the last day of 2015 and what a FANTASTIC & UNBELIEVABLE year, almost 9,000 call-outs completed in 2015 and every run is down to the dedication of every single member; Controllers, Riders, Fundraisers, Members spreading the word, all of whom we couldn’t do what we do without you. Simon Weston, the soldier who received 46% burns on the ship Sir Galahad in the Falklands war, has just been awarded a CBE for his work for charities, and this morning explained on TV that “being part of a charity is like having a bug, you can’t stop”, and we know that. To every single member, MY THANKS, and I say that on behalf of every member and to ever member, and hope that 2016 is better for everyone, not just NWBB but to all Blood Bike Groups across the UK and Ireland.

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  • New Born Baby Samples

    Just prior to the Christmas holidays, duty Controller, Duncan Oag, received a request during his shift from Lynn Baines, the Ante Natal and New Born Screening Coordinator at Furness General Hospital, who was asking if we could take some samples collected over the Christmas period to Manchester. Duncan took the details and passed them up the chain.

    North area Manager, Steve Dunstan, contacted Lynn who told him that samples were taken from babies at Furness General, Westmorland General and Royal Lancaster Infirmary and had a 5 day shelf life. Normally the Royal Mail would ensure a prompt delivery to St Mary’s in Manchester, but with no post over the Christmas period, they had a problem. Steve gladly agreed to help and sorted out collection times and then got riders in place. Steve recalls that in one email exchange he was asked, “How do I arrange to pay you?” It gave him the biggest thrill of the week to be able to reply and say, “There is no charge - We are volunteers. It’s what we do”

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  • 77 call outs

    77 call outs

    Thanks to our dedicated Controllers and Riders we completed 77 Call-outs from midnight on Christmas Eve to midnight on Boxing Day. Several of the calls were either Very Urgent or Emergency and putting the Riders dedication against the weather conditions, particularly on Boxing Day, is an amazing show of good will and determination.

    We shot through 18,000 call-outs in the 43 months since we began, and all our efforts are done freely as they are with all Blood Bike Groups throughout the UK. Recently we have had such severe weather that just a few weeks ago we had to suspend our service in the North and West of our area, yet on Boxing Day we managed to keep going everywhere with riders using their own cars to get through, very often the long way round. Like the early stagecoach motto of Wells Fargo “Our mail will get through”, and it did albeit blood and products.

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  • Furness General Need Help

    Saturday 19th and we get a call from Furness General Path Lab, informing us that two of their analysing machines have broken down, and asking if we can help out. Amanda Mason (Controller), Neil McCall (Controller Manager) and John Walker (Dep North Area Manager) set wheels in motion asking riders to help with a run every two hours from Furness General to Lancaster Path lab, through the night and Sunday too. This ride takes a minimum of an hour and a quarter. Within minutes of putting the call out riders were sorted. Steve Dunstan (North Area Manager) later put out a call for further riders and within minutes his phone was ringing continuously with offers of help and the job was set up.

    Sunday 20th the Path Lab ask if we can keep going until 07:00 on Monday, not a problem, then they asked can we do a run at 09:00 as the repairs won’t be completed until after 10:30 when their own transport comes on. Again our riders jumped in to help.

    Steve’s answer to the amazed and unbelieving Path Lab “We’re here to help and do just what we do”.

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  • Head Shave

    Head Shave

    We recently received money from a sponsored head shave****.

    The money was raised by Julie, Amanda and Nicola three Sedbergh friends who decided to shave their heads for charity – quite a sacrifice to make when you have a full head of hair. They organised an evening of entertainment, food and music at which they all went under the scissors for charity. They expected to raise a few hundred pounds and were pleasantly surprised when they totalled a massive £4800 which they decided to split between NWBB-LL, Great North Air Ambulance and St. Johns Hospice.

    As a result Bob Bryne, Mike Wilkinson and Steve Dunstan were invited to a presentation held at The Bath House in Sedbergh where they received a cheque for a massive £1628.30. After the presentation they retired for coffee and cakes and had the opportunity to speak with the three “victims” as well as the representatives from the other charities. As you can see from the photo the three friends were still sporting short haircuts and massive smiles.

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  • Christmas Message

    Before the Fat Man comes down the chimney I thought I’d write this message to all our website visitors.

    What a FANTASTIC year 2015 has been, thanks to all our Members, our “Customers”, sponsors, those who’ve worked to Fundraise for us and those who have made donations or collected for us.

    We have recently burst through the 18,000 missions barrier in just 43 months, with over 8,000 runs this year alone, an incredible achievement by any standard, and I can assure you, that figure is far higher than any other Blood Bike Group in the UK and Ireland. We have been bestowed several awards and have been nominated for the Queens Award to Volunteers and will find out whether we have won or lost in May/June 2016, but win or lose the fact that we have been nominated is a fantastic accolade to you all.

    We have new members coming on all the time, but sadly losing a few members on the way, due to work/family commitments, but that is inevitable with a charity doing what we do.

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