• Yet another milestone

    Friday 3rd October 2014, exactly 29 months 1 day after we began operating we reached a milestone having carried out 8,000 call-out runs, 2656 since 2nd May 2014 (5 months).

    This amazing figure is down solely to generosity of all our volunteers; the Controllers for being there either all day or all night; the riders for going out in all weathers, day & night; our fundraisers for helping us afford to do it and our general members for spreading the word. We have an amazing charity with amazing people. If you think you can help, come and join us, just click the “CONTACT” button on the website front page.

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  • New Controller works Magic

    Monday evening 15th September 2014, the analysis machine breaks down at Burnley General Hospital and a request from East lancashire Hospital Trust for us to help out by running a continuous service between Burnley and Royal Blackburn Hospital’s Path lab.

    Our new controller, Christine, on her very first shift must have gulped and thought “What have I let myself in for?” but was reassured by her hubby Ed, himself a volunteer rider. Chris made the right phone calls and got everything sorted in no time. The duty rider accepted the task without question and another committed rider came on to help.

    Considering we look after 12 hospitals in Lancashire and south Cumbria, a controller can take several calls all at once, but a steady nerve and knowing who to contact when help is required is all it takes. Sounds easy, but once initial panic has died down, it is, and there is always someone to help.

    “What a fantastic group of dedicated people we have at NWBB Lancs & Lakes”, said the Chairman.

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  • General Meeting

    We are holding our General Meeting on Sunday 14th September at Edge Hill University, Ormskirk at 10am. All welcome, especially if you are thinking of joining us.

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  • Leyland Eagles

    Leyland Eagles

    Earlier this summer, Leyland eagles MBC held a rally to raise funds for two charities, one being North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes.

    On Monday, 1st september 2014, Carl Farber, Graham Miller & Paul Brooks were invited to their meeting to be presented with a cheque for £1,000.

    These guys, lead by Tony (Chairman) are really something special.

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  • Millennium 2000 BC

    Millennium 2000 BC

    A good day at the Millennium 2000 bc Custom & Classic bike show, at the Bay Horse pub, Heath Charnock.

    Great people and they presented us with a cheque for £300, which will go a long way in helping us, help the hospitals,

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  • Barrow to Speke Run

    Saturday 9th August 2014, a call was received by our Controller, Wendy, asking for a run from Furness General Hospital to take urgent samples for analysis to the NHSBT lab near Speke airport, Liverpool, bearing in mind the distance of 114 miles, (the furthest reaches of our cover) she had a dilemma on her hands, “do I ask 2 or 3 riders to do a relay?” She asked two of the riders, John & Peter if they could do it, as it was an urgent run. They jumped at the chance (something our riders do because they are passionate about helping).

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  • Weather causes suspension

    In the early hours of this morning, Wednesday 6th August 2014, we had to suspend our service in East Lancashire due to a horrendous downpour, which seriously affected our rider’s visibility, thereby making it dangerous for him to carry on.

    In the 26 months we have been operating this was the first time we have suspended operations for something we expect in winter, but not summer.

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  • Wow! What a year.

    We have been running 26 months and we are very quickly approaching 7,000 call-outs We have covered thousands of miles delivering urgently needed items, some of which have been life saving. Blood for a patient on the operating table and donor breast milk to a very sick premature baby, to name but two, thankfully both survived. Our riders are Stars watched over by our Angel Controllers, all of whom do a fantastic job. If only all the public knew!

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  • July Newsletter

    The new monthly news letter can be viewed in “About Us”. Quite a lot has gone on recently and we still need everyones help to carry out our dedicated task, so if you can help NWBB Lancs & Lakes, please get in touch.

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  • Triple Relay Run

    Bank Holiday Monday 26th May, saw our First Triple Relay Run from Furness General Hospital to Manchester Royal Infirmary, with two packages. One for A&E and one for Clinical Sciences.

    One rider rode from Furness (Barrow) to Westmoreland General Hospital, a second rider went from Westmoreland to junction 32 of the M6 (Broughton) and the third rider did the last leg. It worked like a dream and just shows what our Controllers/Dispatchers can organise when necessary. Well done all involved.

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