• Newsletter

    Our weekly newsletter is now viewable by everyone through this website, simply click on “ABOUT US” and then “Newsletter” to see what’s going on.

    If you have anything to add, or wish us to advertise, simply email chairman@nwbb-lancs.org

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  • 5,000 Call outs

    Well, not only have we passed 4,000 runs in a single year, but we have now smashed through the 5,000 call outs.

    This is purely down to the dedication of our members. If we carry on at this rate we will save the NHS in the North West single handedly. Well done to everyone involved and especially our followers and those who donate and contribute. Thank You.

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  • 4,000 runs in less than a single year

    17:26 hrs on Saturday 5th April, James Chantry completed our 4,000th run since May 2013 and we are likely to do our 5,000th run in the two years we have been operating very soon. Andy Wyeth was the duty Controller, so well done guys.

    All the volunteers at NWBB Lancs & Lakes have managed to save the local hospitals almost a quarter of a million pounds. Well done to everyone.

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  • 4,000 RUNS

    On Saturday evening 15th February 2014 we passed the 4,000 runs mark in just 22 months. Trevor Goff the Rider and Andy Tulloch the Controller.

    To all our website readers I think you’ll agree this is a fantastic achievement in such a short period of time and all down to the dedication of our volunteers.

    At a conservative estimate we have saved our local NHS hospitals in excess of £200,000.

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  • Midland Freewheelers join forces with us again.

    Sunday 9th February 2014 and we had another call from the Royal Preston Hospital to take samples to Birmingham City Hospital. Midland Freewheelers were contacted and Adrian Reed their duty coordinator arranged for a meet with their rider Mark Powis and our rider Graham Jones at Keele Services on the M6. Well done to all and a special thanks to Midland Freewheelers.

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  • 3,000 Completed Call outs in one year

    Last night Monday 3rd February 2014, North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes completed 3,000 call outs in less than one full year. On 2nd May 2013 we had completed 812 call outs, having been operating one full year, but now we have completed 3,821 call outs in total, which means we have completed 3,000 call outs in 9 months May 2013 to February 2014.

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  • Call Out Madness

    Last night, Thursday 3oth January 2014, our night controller, Julie, had 19 call outs from across our areas, a new night record. 2 of them being relay runs to or from Barrow-in-Furness.

    I don’t suppose Julie got much sleep but that’s sometimes what’s expected of the Controllers and that’s why we appreciate the work they do. But lets not forget the riders, particularly at this time of year they have to go out in all sorts of weather and all out of the goodness of their hearts.

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  • Another Relay

    Friday 3rd January 2014 and we received a call from Royal Preston Hospital asking us to take a sample for urgent analysis to Birmingham City Hospital. Our Vice Chairman, Graham Jones, took up the run and the Chairman, Paul Brooks telephoned John Gaunt of Midland Freewheelers and asked if they could help us with a relay. “Yes” he said and so the job was on. From Royal Preston to Birmingham City Hospital 1 hour 55 minutes. Well done and a big thanks to Midland Freewheelers.

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  • Happy New Year to all our followers

    From 18:00hrs on Christmas Eve to 06:00 on Friday 27th December 2013 NWBB L&L made 61 runs helping our hospitals and 32 between 18:00hrs on New Years Eve to 01:27hrs on Thursday 2nd January 2014.

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  • Merry Christmas to our Hospitals

    Merry Christmas to our Hospitals

    Lee Townsend delivering goods to Preston. Merry Christmas to all our Hospitals

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