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    If proof were needed that our charity is working, just look at the figures. It took a long time to get to 500 runs, then the 1,000 runs came very quickly afterwards. Now in a Bank Holiday weekend, not only did we reach the 1,000th run, we smashed right through it by an extra 49 runs.

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  • 1,000 Runs Great stuff

    Well the morning started early with a call at 06:58 and the race was on to see who would get the 1000th run!! Only 5 calls required and we would hit the magic number and they came thick and fast! It was almost a scramble at the finish line but the Big Man (aka The Yeti) Scott Cassidy won it by a neck.

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  • Long Run

    Our longest run so far. Friday evening (24th May 2013), Lee, our duty controller, got an unusual call from Royal Preston Hospital asking us to take a very urgent package to Leeds St James University, Hospital. Mike Gough was duty rider and was dispatched.

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  • Cumbria Bike Show Weekend

    Basically Mother Nature had her evil way with us - the weather was pants to say the least! Having said that, Andy Griffith, Dougie French + 2 (wife and 7-yr old collection master....sorry, daughter), Andy & Deb Houghton manned, woman'd and child'd the stall all weekend raising money.

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    Sunday 19th May 2013, our duty controller Mags, was put under pressure. First a call to NHBTS Speke to pick a box of blood up, nothing unusual there. But then came another and another and another, five in all, but we did it and the welcome to all riders at Southport was worth the effort, Cuddles all round. Then in the early hours of this morning another call to Speke, but this time taking blood samples there. Well done guys, this is what we are here for.

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  • Royal Bolton Hospital

    Following a meeting today, we have agreed to run 19:00 hrs to 00:00 hrs every night as well as 24 hours at weekends. Trials over the last three weekends proved that their transport needs were very ad hoc, but they are now sharing information and requests for transport with the main switchboard, so it could get interesting. Watch this space!

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  • Blackpool Teaching Hospitals

    Blackpool Teaching Hospitals

    On Saturday 4th May 2013, following months of negotiation between us and departments of Blackpool Teaching Hospitals, we have finally started running for them. Initially only for their Pharmacy with regular runs at weekends and Bank Holidays, but hopefully that will grow. Our Patron, Bobby Ball, came along for a photo shoot, which is sure to help. He is well known at the Hospital and of course well liked. Rock On Tommy!

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  • Morecambe Bay Hospitals Go Live

    Morecambe Bay Hospitals, (Westmorland/Kendal, Furness/Barrow & Lancaster) went live on Friday evening 19th April 2013 and our riders in the north hit the ground running. In two days there were 15 runs, mainly between Kendal and Lancaster, but with a Barrow to Lancaster thrown in too. Due to the geography of the Lake District, distances between hospitals

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  • Cumbria Bike Show

    The Cumbria Bike Show runs 11th & 12th May at Kirkbride Airfiled. Wigton, CA7 5LF. North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes will be there, so come along and have a chat. Check out this link

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  • Jennings Race Products

    Jennings Race Products

    Some time ago Andy Gilroy (Fleet Manager) put Jennings Race Products up for an award to MCN and they got it. BIKE SHOP OF THE MONTH FOR MARCH. They are over the moon. Well done Jennings, and Andy for putting them forward. Jennings have been great for us, they safety check all the bikes, which they are steadily going through at the moment, as well as servicing them at a vastly reduced rate. They also give discounts to all our guys and have a great deal with Michelin tyres.

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