21 years of baby milk

Category: News

September 2024 saw our Milk service managers, Janice and Dave Marsh attended the 21st birthday celebration of Neonatal Milk Bank service run from Chester. It was inspiring to hear from Linda, the midwife, who had the initial idea, and then spent many years getting a baby milk donation and distribution operation up and running. During her presentation she said NWBB came along just at the right time 13 years ago when they offered to look after extension to run the Preston Milk Hub in the Neonatal Unit at Preston. Janice and Dave recall that at the very beginning of our involvement it was Founder/Trustee Graham Jones who did the daytime runs bringing milk from Chester in person. Today there is a small dedicated team of rider and driver volunteers.

Congratulations to all involved in this dedicated section of our volunteering mission.

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