Category: News

Denise Brooks was controller from Friday 1st March through Saturday. The day started as expected with Brian Hardie doing the regular 03:00 run from Chorley to Preston. 09:27 a call from Lancaster Neonatal wanting milk from Chester, Graham Jones dispatched and meeting up with Paul Brooks to relay the milk to Lancaster. 10:13 RPH want bloods taken to Manchester Royal, Bill Dennis dispatched. 10:43 Phil Murphy dispatched to do a run from Southport to Ormskirk. 11:00 the NEW regular run from Chorley to Preston, Tony Spencer dispatched on his maiden run.11:29 Southport to RPH, Al Stringer dispatched. 11:38 whilst arriving at Preston Tony was asked to take items back to Chorley (2nd run). 12:12 Chorley wanted three items taking to 3 separate drops in the Preston area, Tony Spencer again, because he was in the right place at the right time (or the other way round), then at 13:19 whilst Al Stringer was still at RPH he was dispatched to take samples to Blackburn Royal Path Lab. 14:57 call from Chorley for a run to RPH with samples, Carl Farber dispatched.Finally Bill Dennis did the 16:00 regular run from Ormskirk to Southport............PHEW, Denise is having a lie down now with a cold flannel on her brow, preparing for the next round. BUT it didn't stop there, Lee Townsend took over Controller duties at 19:00 and got another run at 19:37 from Ormskirk to Southport and dispatched Phil Murphy. Well done to all, but especially TONY SPENCER on his maiden outing. What would we do without our riders dedication?

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