• Snow doesn't stop us

    Snow doesn't stop us

    Friday 25th January 2013, it snowed, but not just a bit a lot and was mixed up by strong southerly winds. All of our 4x4 guys were put on standby.

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  • 380 runs

    To date we have done 380 runs between hospitals, saving our local hospitals somewhere in the region of £20,000 and this is our first year, not only that we are only 9 months into it. The rate of runs is increasing month on month. What of the snow?

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  • Ernie rides again

    Yet another breast milk run for one of two resident "Ernie's" Graham Jones was called to take urgently needed breast milk from the Countess of Chester Hospital Milk Bank to Bolton Royal

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  • Weather, what weather?

    West Lancs riders do it in the snow. Yes there were issues but our intrepid riders in West Lancashire bit the bullet and got on with the job between Ormskirk and Southport,

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  • Weather Warnings

    To date NWBB Lancs & Lakes has managed to complete 368 runs for our local hospitals since we started in May 2012. We have actually had 371 calls, but we couldn't do 3 of the runs for one reason or another and of course 2 of our runs were blue light

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  • West Lancashire

    We do regular runs for Southport and Ormskirk Hospitals every night, but have had few ad hoc runs, that is until Saturday 5th January 2013, when it suddenly got all our duty riders out and our Controller interrupted whilst interior decorating.

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