• Royal Bolton Hospital

    The Royal Bolton Hospital has asked for our help. We have agreed to carry out trials for them over the weekends 12th to 14th April and 19th to 21st April. We appear to have sufficient riders within easy reach of there. Most runs will be between "Bolton 1" hospital which is in the centre of Bolton and Royal Bolton, roughly 10 minutes ride time. Occasionally runs will be from Bolton to either Blackburn or Preston, which leaves the scope open to many riders particularly eastern riders. Please look out for a new Rota.

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  • Mega weather again

    The weather forecast for tonight and the next few days is horrendous in parts of our area, coupled with high winds. If we have to refuse jobs rather than risk lives, WE MUST. 4x4 clubs are on standby to help.

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  • Morecambe Bay Hospitals

    Second meeting today at Kendal Hospital and we have been given the green light to start up there ASAP. 2nd of April was mentioned, but we can't manage that yet as we desperately need more riders in the North and a press appeal is being put out by the Trust. We are looking at 19th April or 3rd May. They need to save £30,000,000 over the next two years (wish I could save that in 2 years). If you know any riders in the "Northern Territories" give them a nudge to join us PLEASE.

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  • Bobby Ball is our Patron (Rock on Tommy)

    Bobby Ball is our Patron (Rock on Tommy)

    Bobby Ball, has just agreed to be our Patron and we will be seeing him at one of our events soon. Bobby is extremely busy either in his own right or performing with Tommy Cannon, so its great that he is helping us raise awareness. Watch the events page to see where he will be with us in a future event.

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  • Mr T helps Blood Bikes

    Mr T helps Blood Bikes

    Mr T turned up at the Royal Preston Hospital yesterday, to help us deliver blood on Red Nose day. Matt Reissiger, one of our members transformed to help both NWBBLL & Comic Relief to raise money.

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  • Emergency Run

    23:46 hrs last night (Thursday 14th March 2013) we had an Emergency class call from Royal Preston Hospital. Campbell McCorkindale was dispatched to collect urgently required blood to take to Chorley. Only our third Emergency run since last May, but done efficiently. Well done Corky.

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    The latest weather report for the next few days is that we are in for some interesting weather. -3 to -5 degrees, so let's be careful out there. According to the weather people snow in our area is unlikely, but we all know how often they get it wrong. Take care and be safe.

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  • 500 runs

    Today 7th March 2013 we reached 500 runs, the last being donor breast milk from Countess of Chester Hospital to Lancaster Royal Infirmary, relayed between Graham Jones and Paul Brooks. The next 500 should be a breeze.

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    We left Saturday and opened Sunday in the same style, 9 runs, but this time with Lee Townsend at the helm, Denise is still recovering from Saturday. We are now taking items to several other hospitals from our main ones. To cap it all, traffic on the M6 was almost like Bank

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    Denise Brooks was controller from Friday 1st March through Saturday. The day started as expected with Brian Hardie doing the regular 03:00 run from Chorley to Preston. 09:27 a call from Lancaster Neonatal wanting milk from Chester, Graham Jones dispatched and meeting up with Paul Brooks to relay the milk to Lancaster. 10:13 RPH want bloods taken to Manchester Royal, Bill

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