Do you enjoy riding - Silly Question! Would you save a life if you could - Silly Question! Have you held a bike licence for more than two years? Do you have your own bike? Would you like to team up with like minded Bikers? Then what’s stopping you? Come and join North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes.

    If you don’t ride, can you answer a phone and work a computer? Then be a Controller for us.

    2014: We helped all the hospitals save around a quarter of a million pounds which would help them give patients better care, and we helped save lives too by getting urgently wanted items to the hospitals, even donor breast milk for poorly premature babies.

    Come and join us, if you find it’s not for you then you leave, no harm done and new friends made. GO ON, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO :-)

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  • Annual General Meeting

    Just a reminder to all members, the AGM takes place at 10:00 on Sunday 26th April 2015 at the Masonic Hall, Cunliffe Street, Chorley. PR7 2BR.

    Besides the general business, it is the time when the committee for the following year is chosen, and this year an invitation has gone out to bring items you wish to give or sell to other members, however to ensure this does not this interfere with the running of the meeting, the “Bring & Buy” sale will take place following the AGM.

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  • 12,000 Call Outs

    In the evening of Wednesday 8th April 2015, with a new Controller, Jo Kenyon-Swift in charge, and veteran Rider Peter Haworth, we reached 12,000 call outs within our first 3 years of operating.

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  • Botany Bay Fun Day

    Saturday 11th April 2015 is Botany Bay Fun Day, [just off the M61 at Chorley] and we will be there with bikes and stand. Two friends of Emma Grandison who sadly passed away earlier this year, and who was a great supporter of NWBB Lancs & Lakes, are kayaking the Leeds to Liverpool canal to raise money for Cancer Care, etc., in Emma’s name.

    We will be there from 09:30 and the guys are expected at Botany Bay around 11:00, so come along it should be a fun day for all the family.

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  • Manchester Bike Show

    Manchester Bike Show

    The largest event in the North West for Bikes takes place at Event City, near the Trafford Centre on Saturday & Sunday 28th & 29th March 2015. NWBB Lancs & Lakes are there, so come along and see us.

    Great days out for bike fans and the family. www.manchesterbikeshow.com

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  • 3 Sisters Race Track

    3 Sisters Race Track

    North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes are holding a Race Day at 3 Sisters Race Track, Wigan on 12th May 2015. Racing starts at 2pm and it’s a great day for bikers. Tickets are reduced to £10 per bike and all proceeds go to NWBB Lancs & Lakes. All riders welcome and there are likely to be some celebrities there too. The Bee and 2 BR Radio are going to broadcast from the site too.

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  • 11,000 runs completed

    Dateline; 23rd February 2015 in the early hours of Monday morning we successfully completed 11,000 call-outs, 1,000 of which were completed from the middle of January to date, despite some atrocious weather, well done everyone. We have asked several hospitals to see if they can tighten up the number of call outs, in other words to see if those items not desperately urgent can wait a while to see if there is anything else and this has just started …

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    Today was the funeral of a Dear Friend of North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes, Emma Grandison, wife of Ian and brother of James Robinson, one of our members, and we were privileged to be able to escort the cortege. Emma was diagnosed with Cancer whilst carrying her then unborn baby, Erin, and for the sake of the baby refused treatment until after Erin was born. Erin is now 15 months old, although Emma was only given 6 months, she survived much longer. NWBBLL has the support of Ian and James’s families. R.I.P. Emma, your name will live on, on one of our bikes.

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  • You Can Ride Your Own Bike.

    You Can Ride Your Own Bike.

    On Sunday 25th January 2015 we held a General Meeting at an ultra modern new venue in Leyland and over 60 members turned out for it, most on bikes. This gave us the opportunity to show that our riders can use their own bikes.

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  • 10,000 Runs

    Another milestone, on 4th January 2015, 33 months after we began we have successfully completed 10,000 runs, over 7,000 in the last 12 months alone.

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