Archive of : News

  • 16,000 and counting

    This year is looking to be the busiest on record for us, we have flown straight through the 16,000 call out barrier with hardly a thought, (Julie and Campbell McCorkindale being Controller & Rider). It’s only September but already we have completed 6,124 since 1st January 2015 and 6 were relay runs to the south, some direct from our hospitals and some from further north.

    We are all particularly proud of North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes, but just as proud of being part of a brother/sisterhood of Blood Bikers Nationwide. What we do matters and helps an ailing NHS, but more importantly helps the sick, something we are all likely to be at some time in our lives, so LONG LIVE BLOOD BIKERS.

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  • Newsletters

    You can view our latest and past newsletters on this site. Just click “About Us” and “Newsletters” to see what we’ve been up to.

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  • 15,000

    In the very early hours of Saturday 15th August 2015, just 39 months after we went live, Julie McCorkindale (Controller) took our 15,000th call asking if we could transport some urgent samples from Ormskirk to Southport Path Lab. Dave Meredith (veteran rider) took the call and did the job. This is absolutely amazing and all down to the dedication of all our Controllers, Riders and Members and a testament to the need for Blood Bikes Nationwide. Well done everyone.

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  • Yet Another Relay Run

    Yet Another Relay Run

    Today (28th July 2015) we were requested by Dumfries Blood Bikes to help take urgent samples by way of a relay run from Dumfries Hospital to Charing Cross in London, a distance of 350 miles. The relay involved Dumfries BB, Cumbria BB, North West BB Lancs & Lakes, Shropshire & Staffordshire BB and SERV Oxford. I we hadn’t done it it would have gone by taxi, at what cost to the NHS? To all those involved a superb job which just goes to show the help Blood Bikes give the NHS in the UK.The picture shows our rider, Steve Dunstan, handing over to Shrops & Staffs Mark Huxley.

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  • 4 Corners Update

    Saturday 13th June 2015 and our intrepid riders set off from John O’Groats at 10am, and all arrived safely at Lands End with 20 minutes to spare. Well done everyone.

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  • 13,000

    Whatever we are doing it seems we are doing it right as we have just completed 13,000 runs in the 36 months we have been helping the Hospitals help the Patients. That said we have a fantastic group of dedicated people at NWBB Lancs & Lakes. Rider Stuart Bence completed the 13,000 run and Denise Brooks was his Controller on Saturday 23rd May 2015, but it’s not down to just those two people, it’s down to all our members. We have a brilliant team and long may it live and grow. PB (Chairman)

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  • Relay from Carlisle to Oxford

    Wednesday 13th May and we are asked by Cumbria Blood Bikes to see if we can arrange a relay from Carlisle to a Diagnostic lab in Abingdon, Oxfordshire. First off our Duty Controller, Jo Kenyon-Swift was notified and then we contacted Midland Freewheelers and arranged for a meet at Keele Services. They contacted SERV Oxford to arrange a rendezvous point and the package was delivered.

    Bill Bertham (Chairman CBB) collected from Carlisle, passed it on to our Northern rider, Andy Lancaster at Forton Services on the M6, who passed it on to Graham Jones (Vice Chairman) at Charnock Richard. He then rode to Keele Services and handed it over to Mark Szamek (Midland freewheelers) who handed it over to Gary Baird (SERV Oxfordshire) and the package was delivered. Thanks to all involved.

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  • 3 Sisters do it again

    Tuesday 12th May 2015 and 3 Sisters Race track open up for us yet again, for the third time and what a success it was too. Councillor Bob Brierley organised the day for North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes to attend and receive money from the riders taking advantage of a ride around the track. It was a great day only spoiled slightly by the gusting wind. As a result, the track and Bob raised £1,750 for us. Many thanks to all at the track and the riders who came along and paid for their race around the track in support of NWBB Lancs & Lakes..

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    Do you enjoy riding - Silly Question! Would you save a life if you could - Silly Question! Have you held a bike licence for more than two years? Do you have your own bike? Would you like to team up with like minded Bikers? Then what’s stopping you? Come and join North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes.

    If you don’t ride, can you answer a phone and work a computer? Then be a Controller for us.

    2014: We helped all the hospitals save around a quarter of a million pounds which would help them give patients better care, and we helped save lives too by getting urgently wanted items to the hospitals, even donor breast milk for poorly premature babies.

    Come and join us, if you find it’s not for you then you leave, no harm done and new friends made. GO ON, YOU KNOW YOU WANT TO :-)

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  • Annual General Meeting

    Just a reminder to all members, the AGM takes place at 10:00 on Sunday 26th April 2015 at the Masonic Hall, Cunliffe Street, Chorley. PR7 2BR.

    Besides the general business, it is the time when the committee for the following year is chosen, and this year an invitation has gone out to bring items you wish to give or sell to other members, however to ensure this does not this interfere with the running of the meeting, the “Bring & Buy” sale will take place following the AGM.

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