
North West Blood Bikes is a non-profit making charity staffed completely by volunteers who give up their time to provide the service.

North West Blood Bikes is a non-profit making charity staffed completely by volunteers who give up their time to provide the service.

The Charity receives no payments for the services it provides to the NHS and absolutely no central funding. Provided charity funds are sufficient our riders and drivers are able to reclaim a contribution towards their fuel cost when using their own vehicles to make deliveries on behalf of the NHS Trusts supported.

Running a service like North West Blood Bikes Lancs & Lakes is costly, and with our fleet of dedicated vehicles also comes maintenance, motor vehicle insurance and of course fuel.

All of our funding comes from fundraising at events and supporters, both personal and corporate.

Can you Help?

  • Use this form if you want to make a one-time donation

Gift Aid

Thank you for donating to North West Blood Bikes and enabling the charity to claim Gift Aid on your donation.

You must be a UK tax payer for the charity to claim Gift Aid on your donation. If you are unsure that you qualify for Gift Aid, please follow this link to the HMRC website

To allow the charity to claim Gift Aid on your donation, please print off and complete one of the three forms below:

  • Use this form if you either have made or want to make more than one donation to the charity. North West Blood Bikes can go back up to four years to claim Gift Aid on donations already received prior to this form being completed
  • Use this form if you are organising an event and collecting sponsorship for the charity. Alternatively, you can set up an online sponsorship form with North West Blood Bikes as the beneficiary on JustGiving - NWBB-LL JustGiving Page

North West Blood Bikes will also receive Gift Aid on any donation/sponsorship paid through JustGiving

Please send your signed form to us at:

North West Blood Bikes
Unit 5 Momentum Place
Bamber Bridge

You can also pass your signed form to one of our volunteers

If you have any queries about Gift Aiding your donation, please contact the Treasurer at

Corporate Sponsors

We are always looking for new businesses to support us.

Sponsoring North West Blood Bikes (Lancs & Lakes) couldn’t be easier, with a range of methods available. In return we can offer press releases, advertising opportunities for your organisation and charitable giving is even tax deductible!

Corporate Sponsor Badge

Paypal Donation

You can make a one off donation here using the safety and security of Paypal.

Just Giving

Donate with JustGiving

to visit our Just Giving site please click here, scan our QR code or use our shortened URL

Wish List

If you would like a say in how your donation is spent why not help us by donating for your chosen item from our Wish List

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