Three Sisters Race Circuit

A little about Three Sisters Race Circuit.

Operating the North West's premier outdoor race circuit, we offer exciting yet safe karting events and driving experiences for individual drivers as well as small and large groups. Ages 8 and upwards will have loads of fun tackling the twists and turns of this challenging circuit, whatever vehicle they are driving.

The karting side of the business is run by Three Sisters race circuit ltd, while driving experiences are run by sister company, The Racing School. Both of the teams at Three Sisters are genuinely passionate about motorsport and it's this passion that ensures every visitor has an amazing and unforgettable experience.

How Three Sisters Race Circuit has helped support us.

Three Sisters have helped out NWBB L&L by holding a full days racing and donating all monies received on the day to NWBB L&L.

This is an on-going commitment/event every year.

Three Sisters Race Circuit

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