Fund/Rec/Assist - Dragon Boat Racing

Saturday 2 August 2014 - 7:30 AM.

Event Details

Dragon Boat Racing is like throwing a lot of people into a big canoe and expecting them to race against others in the same craft – Carl had no idea, Andy has competed in Germany. In this case it’s happening at Preston docks and we will be there!!

Our new Gazebo will be out in the sun along with a couple of our bikes.

While some of our members will be fund raising the rest will be working, a big crowd is expected and we will be providing the first aid cover needed for the event.

Please come down and join in. All those with up to date First aid certificates please make sure you have your ID badge and Hi viz.

Early start with 07:30 set up and Registration starting at 08:00.

If you think you have what it takes to be a dragon Boat Racer then enter at the following web site..

Dragon Boat Racing

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Bike Shows, Cash Collections, Featured

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